Thursday, December 30, 2010

Bryt: Day 293 December 17

She said "take a picture Mom" so, I did.

Bryt: Day 292 December 16

Ian played with this for 2 hours today. It rolls. It crinkles. It's genius.

Bryt: Day 291 Wednesday December 15th

Home in St George now, back to business as usual :(

Bryt: Day 290 Tuesday December 14

My brother is 6 ft 5 and decided the pantry was a good place to keep his valuables to protect them from all of his thieving siblings. His medicine, gold panning finds, and jar of coins. Which, by the way, totally backfired because Ian found a quarter on the floor and after I wrestled it out of his mouth I was gonna put it in Shane's coin jar, but could not, so I had to pocket it myself. Booyah.

Bryt: Day 289 Monday, December 13

Santa Baby....

Bryt: Day 288 Sunday December 12

This picture was taken about 4 hours into our 6 hour drive from St George, UT to Prescott, AZ. The silly things that end up happening on road trips are THE BEST.

Ro: Day 305

You can't see in the picture, but I swear it was snowing today. Connor and I went out and ran around the yard in it. It lasted all of maybe a minute, 2 at max, but any amount of snow in Mesa Arizona is exciting.

Ro: Day 304

Connor has been loving the tool set he got from Grandma and Grandpa Legler. Especially the safety goggles. What a little man.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Ro: Day 303

Connor had his followup appointment for his allergies/potential asthma. They decided to try a puffer and spacer as opposed to the nebulizer since the nebulizer absolutely freaks my little boy out. Even the puff of the inhaler drove him to tears the first time we tried it, but after a lot of coaxing, and a demonstration of Uncle Sam using his inhaler, aaaand a candy bribe, he is finally warming up to the idea. I just hope the medicine helps.

Ro: Day 302

Since Matt will be back at Basic Training for his birthday we decided to go out for his birthday dinner a couple weeks early. He got a gift card to Outback Steakhouse for Christmas so we went there. The wait was about 45 minutes over what they told us it would be (because they gave part of our table away, but they don't know we know). Just as we were about to go somewhere else, Britnie stood up for us and got us free drinks and appetizers if we stayed. The night turned out great, we enjoyed free food and most importantly each other's company.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Diane Day 303 Dec 27

This is why I live in Phoenix. When we left the Omaha Airport, a winter storm was just beginning to settle in. What a nice feeling to know that I was going to get off the plane in 72 degrees.

Diane Day 302 Dec 26

Pig scratching.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Ro: Day 301

Nice relaxing way to spend a Sunday afternoon. That is, until Connor was given the O.K. to knock it down.

Ro: Day 300

My Christmas morning joy was this face again and again and again!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Day 301 Dec 25

Day 300 Dec 24

I am so glad that Christmas preparation is over. This is the way my kitchen has looked for most of December. Merry Christmas to all my kids, I love you.

Diane Day 299 Dec 23

Dinner with Biker Damian.

Diane Day 298 Day 22

Buzz Light to the Rescue!!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Ro: Day 299

Connor is excited! I don't think he knows quite why he is excited, but he knows something is going down tonight.

Ro: Day 298

Yay, my room is as clean as I can make it and ready for Santa to come!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Ro: Day 297

Connor is not a fan of the blowup punching bag he got at the Christmas party. It has penguins on it, which he likes, but it terrifies him. It is fun for us to torment him with it. Only a little. We aren't excessively cruel.

Ro: Day 296

Tuesday was the Hulsey family Christmas party. It was a lot of fun. After dinner (a potato bar), family home evening, and gift exchange we all went to the temple lights. Aaron didn't come because he didn't realize we were doing the temple lights and he had invited a coworker to play basketball at the church. Connor enjoyed trying to convince everyone else to carry him around though. He's got uncle Steve in his power in this picture.

Ro: Day 295

Hurrah! I finally finished the stockings with 5 days left to spare!

Ro: Day 294

I came home from Prescott Valley feeling yuck yuck yuck. It lasted the next couple of days, so this was my view for that time. But Aaron was so awesome. He really picked up the slack I left. I appreciate him a lot.

Ro: Day 293

We visited Chris and his family on Saturday. You could tell that the excitement of Christmas was in the kids because they were sooo hyper! I remember those days. I wonder how my mom dealt with that amount of excitement bursting from 5 kids.

Ro: Day 292

We woke up Friday morning to find the dead tree had fallen down. It was nice that it didn't fall onto anything, but I couldn't back out to run the errands I needed to. So Aaron came home from work at noon to clear the tree so we could go to Prescott Valley that evening.

Ro: Day 291

This kid sure likes doing his hair. I wish I liked doing my hair so much.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Diane Day 297 Dec 21

This is the Winter Stostice, the shortest day of the year.

There must be something positive about the shortest day of the year....... I don't live in Alaska where there would be only darkenss today.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Diane Day 294, 295, 296 Dec 18-20

I had some fun on the trip home today. These pictures were taken along Hy 69. Walt was so patient while I snapped away.
Where are all the houses that go with the mailboxes?

Diane Day 293 Dec 17

Uncle Bob went to the Gingerbread House display with us. The boys enjoy being around Unc Bob.

Diane Day 291 Dec 16

Lincoln School Carolling in the "square".

Diane Day 290 Dec 15

Remington, the Little Drummer Boy.

Diane Day 287, 288 and 289 Thru Dec 14

Fun Pictures from Iowa. Check out the black cat. His front legs are short, he hasn't got paws.
Then one of the cousins has a shoe fettish, and obviously has some coooool shoes. Most of them are away at college with her, but this pair was left behind.
We ate lunch in downtown Harlan, can't remember the name of the place, but they served slop and it was the best slop I have ever had. They raise alot of hogs in the area, by the way.

Diane Day 282 -285 Dec 8-11

Part of the reason I initially got so far behind, was my trip to Iowa to see my Aunt. She is dying with cancer. Visiting with her and the family was just as good for me as it may have been for them. Ed and Gloria, Mom's brother. There is a quite a story to go with the hat.

Shelley and I with Ed.

Diane Catch up Day 282 Dec 7

This is me. I am caught trying to figure out the staging of some of the nativity scenes.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ro: Day 290

Aaron is a hater of eggnog, but I just had to treat myself when I was grocery shopping today. Ahhhhh, tonight I sip my festive beverage as I type and I feel so Christmasy.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ro: Day 289

Susan has taken on the task of making the wedding dress for Sam's bride-to-be. Their wedding is at the end of January. Today she finished tweaking and cutting out the pattern she designed. Yeah, it is from scratch. I do not envy her task, but I do wish I had her mad skills.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Ro: Day 288

Following my spoken instructions Connor got himself dressed today. By some miracle he even got his shirt on frontwards.

Ro: Day 287

Aaron can't sleep unless is head is covered by something, and apparently it is an inherited trait.

K-Day 284, Dec 12

Decorating the perfect tree! Unfortunately our star for the top has dissapeared. Guess it's time for a new one!

K-Day 283, Dec. 11

Sammy picks us out the perfect tree!

K-Day 282, Dec. 10

Looking through pics for today, I found some cute shots that Danielle took with Katie while they were getting ready for the dance last night. Aren't they cute?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Ro: Day 286

I'm sorry it is blurry but it is hard to get a clear shot when the subject is trying to flee.