Thursday, September 30, 2010

K-Day 213, Sept. 30

Today we traveled to Flagstaff to watch Danielle's soccer game. Here she is battling number 1 for the ball. This girl was even more aggressive than Danielle and even checked Danielle once as she walked by to mark up while there was no ball in play. Don't worry Danielle didn't let her get away with it or with any of the pushes and shoves that refs didn't see. She found small subtle ways to get her back without getting the card that Danny and I told her she better have after the girl pulled some of the sneaky moves. lol Good game by the way, Panthers won 4-1

K-Day 212, Sept. 29

Sammy discovered his Buzz N Woody beanie from last winter. He had to wear it all morning, until his little head was so sweaty his curls were going everywhere. He kept saying, "Cold, brrrrr" He also discovered I had a stash of Buzz and Woody undies, he threw a fit when I wouldn't let him wear a pair today since he refuses to go potty in a toilet and I figured the ladies in the Child Watch area of the Y would not appreciate an untrained little boy in undies. lol Maybe it's time...

Ro: Day 214

Connor loves to spend time with Aunt Kaylee and her boyfriend Tylon. Especially Tylon. He is very excited to have Tylon come to his birthday tomorrow.

Diane September 30

Hunter's fancy dancy new cast. Only real men can wear pink and purple

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ro: Day 213

Tadaaaaaa! My final project for the fondant and gum paste class that I have been taking. I really enjoyed it. I am glad that the art of fondant is not lost to me.

Diane September 29

Yea, our shredder is working again. I had a wonderful morning shredding branches thru the machine.

Diane Day 200 something

The clown shoes. This is a representation of my last week.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

K-Day 211

Here is a pic of Danny at a house he was supposed to mow. It was an acre of weeds this tall, surrounding a double wide out in Chino. You couldn't even see the driveway, and he kept finding stumps and rocks as we mowed, since he couldn't see anything. It took him 2 days to get through this jungle.

K-Day 210

Here is why I haven't been posting my pics on time anymore. Danielle is such an over achiever that she is taking an online class through Primavera High School...along with a full day of classes at her HS, and playing soccer and being Laurel Pres and having a social life. So the evenings are when she sits down to do this class, even staying up later than me. So I don't always get my evening FB time or blog time. I guess it could be worse, she could hate me and not talk to me and want to flunk out of school and be dating a TON of boys. So I'll take the over achiever that she is...even if it means giving up some computer (FB) time.

Ro: Day 212

Now that Connor is potty trained it is only fair that his bear has to go through the process too. It even got a sticker. But look at what a patient teacher he is.

Bryt: Day 211

I have been waiting for a couple days to let this bruise ripen so I could take a decent picture and tell this story :) Let me start by saying I can remember getting, maybe, 5 to 10 bruises in my life. I don't bruise easily so if one actually shows up it was a doozy of a bonk. Anyhow, I was playing hide and go seek with Morgan and she was supposed to count to 10, and counted to 3 instead so I had to dive behind the entertainment center as a super fast hiding spot. Well...I slammed my knee into the end table. And then I was holding Ian the whole time and he just sat and talked the whole time I was hiding so Morgan found me in about a half second anyway :)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Ro: Day 211

I lied to the Wii today and told it that Connor was 3 so that it would let him play actual games on Wii Fit instead of just tracking his weight. His favorite game by far is the obstacle course.

Bryt: Day 210

He is still not quite crawling, but he was determined to figure out a way to haul himself up the stairs. 

Bryt: Day 209

The whole time I was getting ready she talked to her "new friend, Cora"

Bryt:Day 208

It just really doesn't seem like that long ago when she was terrified of the 3 foot tall ladder at the community center park in Chino.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ro: Day 210

Connor was sleeping with this cool heart sticker on his little booty.

K-Day 209

Today was the Primary Program, by far my favorite Sunday of the year. It's kinda sad that Lolo is the only left in the program. And now that I think about it, she only has 1 program left, am I really that old? lol It was a great program and we loved it. Lauryn did a great job and summed up the entire program with her statement.

K-Day 208

As we were leaving the last spot during our photo shoot, we ran across this mural. Danny jumped out of the car and said he needed me to take his pic with budda. Not sure why we get the thug face to go with it, maybe he is trying to intimidate budda, don't think it's working!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Ro: Day 209

We chaperoned a multi-stake dance tonight (it was western themed, hence the bandanna). We didn't have too many problems with the kids. I did tell one kid to "halt" as he was about to enter a restricted zone. Aaron danced me around a lot. I did not enjoy stake dances growing up, but this one was awesome. It helps that I always had a dance partner (and a super handsome one at that). These are our enforcer faces. I know, super intimidating.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Ro: Day 208

We had giant pretzels for breakfast. Connor wanted Nutella with his. I decided to whip up a delicious sweet cinnamon cream cheese spread for mine. Well, I gave him a taste of it and he ate all of my spread and two bites of his pretzel.

K-Day 207, Sept. 24

Here are the almost finished ensembles for our family pics tomorrow. The girls and I had to replan in the middle of the little boutique we were in, when the shirts we wanted weren't as cute on...and then we bought Sam a new shirt to go with the color scheme. Danny also has grey shorts even though they are not pictured and you can imagine the cool jeans we will find for Danielle at Ross first thing in the morning. Feeling a little funky cause this is not what I originally pictured, but I think I like this mucho better...what do you think??

K-Day 206, Sept 23

I love seeing the kids playing together. Simba is standing guard in case someone throws something he can fetch.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Ro: Day 207

Connor loves to get his "happy stickers" when he uses the toilet, but somehow they have been finding their way onto my dresser. Hmmmm

Bryt: Day 207

Morgan was cracking me up with this kaleidoscope cause she would look through it at Ian and say "Whooooaaa lots and lots of big Ians!"

Bryt: Day 206

 There are splash parks like this ALL over the place in St George, this one is like 6 blocks from our house. I feel great FINALLY being in a place in our life where I feel like I can take the time to just be a good mom again and go spend an hour and a half at the park!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

K-Day 205

This is one of my "work in progress" gourds. I haven't had too much time to sit and do some of the more complicated gourds lately, so I am excited that I have been taking Wednesdays to go down and work and get inspired in the gourd shack in Laveen. I started the first weaving in I don't know how long today! Can't wait to see how this one will end up.

Ro: Day 206

Thanks to that giant downpour we got last night the ground was soft enough for Aaron to dig up the tree-size weeds that grew in the dog run over the summer. The roots just went straight down into forever, so he eventually just had to chop them anyway. Oy vey.

Ro: Day 205

I went and cleaned Grandpa Christensen's house today. It helps him out and gives us a little extra money. But now I understand why people say that mechanics never have working cars.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

K-Day 204

Today I got the best surprise yet, with this job. Danny brought me home my very own gourd work station! FINALLY! A place for my stuff so that I don't have to clean up every night and then haul back out the next day. I'm so excited, I put everything away as soon as we got it moved in and then Danny mounted a power strip to the side and I sat down and worked on my gourds. All I need now is some lights mounted around it so that I can work after the sun goes down. Thanks baby!

K-Day 203 September 20

Danny has been working so hard lately. Even though this is in our backyard, in the jungle that the kids say the yetti lives in, this is what he finds himself doing alot of lately. Yard maintance, he is getting REALLY good at it. I love that he is working so hard to take care of us and provide for us. He keeps telling me he wants to work enough that I can be that pampered wife who stays home and does whatever she wants. Well me too, but I will be happy with just paying bills on time and being able to get the kids things they need when they need them, not "well maybe next week". Love that man!

Bryt: Day 205

This has NEVER happened BEFORE. I put Ian in his crib and he rolled over and WENT TO SLEEP. No fussing. No screaming. No nothing besides peaceful wonderfulness. :)

Bryt: Day 204

After we went out to dinner with Grandpa for his birthday we swung by the temple to show Morgan how pretty it is at night. She gets so excited about the temple and now anytime we see a boy anywhere she asks, "Mom, is that boy going to marry me in the temple?"

Bryt: Day 203

Sooo....I didnt take a picture for this day (eeeek I know) But I figured this would make good filler :)

Bryt: Day 202

I would like to point out to you that this moth is almost as giant as a brick. IT IS THE UBER-MOTH.

Bryt: Day 201

I couldn't get them to hold still for even a millisecond to get a still we get the blurry yet more realistic version of these two little cousins :)

Bryt: Day 200

I caught her JUST in the knick of time, she was pulling out the drawer and saying, "Mom, these are steps?"

Bryt: Day 199

Morgan's first attempt at chopsticks. Ian is already learning by example hehehe.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Diane Day 204 September 20

Don't you just love the expression on Clay's face? I interrupted his plan to get his picture.

Ro: Day 204

For Family Night lesson tonight Aaron played a talk Elder Holland gave at BYU. The topic was Luke 17:32 - Remember Lot's wife. He talked a lot about not looking back when things are getting tough and to remember that faith is pointed toward our future. If we are faithful and move forward that the Lord will help us make our future better than our past. It was exactly what we needed to hear tonight. I am grateful that Aaron chooses to listen to BYU podcasts at work because this is not the first time that he has brought home a lesson from them that has really helped our family grow.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Diane Day 203 September 19

This is my gourdster from the Pinewood Derby. I know it is plain, but sometimes, less is more. I did win one heap in the loosers bracket and an award for the best Gourdster racer"

Diane Day 202 September 18

Woody should have worn his seat belt. This is Walt's gourdster, Gourd Rider in the Sky. He won 2 of 3 heaps at the Ward Pinewood Derby event. It was a lot of fun, lots of chaos and noise, but fun.

Ro: Day 203

We were taking funny-face pictures tonight. At least, my faces were funny, and Connor's were normal. I decided to pick a normal one of myself though since most of the pictures of me are silly. Each time the picture took Connor would say, "cute." I guess I say that a lot after taking pictures.

K -Day 202

This morning we were lucky enough to be serenaded by the great duo, Oquistpalooza. They played, God Be With You Til We Meet again. With ALOT of meet, meet meet.

K-Day 201, Sept 18

Today was Lolo's first soccer game of the season. In true Oquist style we decided too late for the very beginning, but she only missed 1 game so it's not too bad. We are so proud, she jumped right back in as if she had been playing all along. Lolo got to kick all the corner kicks, so proud of her and the fact that I get to cheer and be the embarassing soccer mom to one more kiddo!

Ro: Day 202

Aaron trying to teach Connor a thing or two. We spent a lot of time outside today because we were in Chino Valley and it only got up to the 90s. Still, 90 is pretty hot.

Ro: Day 201

Connor thinks that he his playing Galaga while we wait for our table at Oliva's. His concentration and focus are so intense that not even Papa can distract him.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

K- Day 200

Why did the elk cross the road? I don't know but luckily Danny was able to slam on his brakes and stop before he hit him.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Diane Bonus Day

I couldn't resist trying to do something with this cute little pixie. What do you think? It is not necessarily my style, but it seems to go with her pose and colors.

Diane Day 201 Sept 17

I discovered this cool picture while I was looking for pictures of the women in our family.

Ro: Day 200

My little couch potato.