Friday, April 30, 2010

K-Day 61

So in a rare moment Danielle was able to get the camera and take a picture of me playing on the playground with her and Sam today. We had a great time! It was cold and windy, and the baby shower was long over and everyone gone, but Sammy was just not ready to leave. So we stayed and played just the 3 of us!

Diane Day 61, April 30

This is Andrew the big bee. The program was a wonderful musical about a bug picnic. He buzzed quite well and certainly did not get stage fright.
I am sorry to report that little Bunny Foofoo did not survive the night at the Richins hospital. He was pretty little and pretty shook up. The good news is that he is now in bunny heaven eating all the clover flowers he desires.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ro: Day 60

Aaron and I played on our ward softball team tonight. It was the most fun I have had in a while. I never realized how much playing team sports makes me happy until I have not had any teams to play on. We lost, but I felt so alive, ha ha. Yeah cheesy. So this is me and Aaron feeling alive. Well, at least as well as I could take driving through the parking lot.

Diane Day 60, April 29

This is our final excitement for the day and night. I have pictures of 7 year old Andrew who performed as a bee tonight. But just as I was downloading the pictures, the dog started raising cane at Gonzo the cat, all this happening in the house. After a minute I couldn't ignore him anymore and discovered he was barking at Gonzo who was "playing" with this baby bunny. After locking the dog in the bedroom and chasing the cat away, we discovered the bunny didn't seem hurt yet, just veeeery scared and shaking. No blood or holes. Walt insisted we keep it inside for the night, I was ready to put out back. It is resting quietly in the spare room in the dog kennel with some water on a soft little bed. Walt has a new pet. I'll post a picture of our little Bee tomorrow.

K-Day 60

You can accomplish anything with the help of a father's hand.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ro: Day 59

The stadium is sold out. Connor Hulsey steps up to the plate. It's the bottom of the 9th, the home team is down. They are counting on him to - at the very least - bring the runner on base home to tie things up. The pitcher carefully selects his pitch, and executes; it has some heat. Connor zones in on the ball and swings with all his might. As the ball soars over the wall and the crowd erupts, the hero of the game casually tosses his bat aside and takes off to run his bases.

Diane Day 59, April 28

Our new dwarf peach tree. All those little dark spots are mulberries off the mulberry tree. They are purple. When I step on them they stick to the bottom of my shoes and then stain everything I walk on. I really dislike mulberries.

K-Day 59

Bateboarding lessons, thats what big brothers are for!

Bryt: Day 59

Morgan has such a green thumb. She grew that "tree" out of that stump in about 2 minutes.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bryt: Day 58

Ian got to meet his great-grandma today. I think it was definately love at first sight :)

Ro: Day 58

Today was Steven's 22nd birthday. It boggles my mind that he is 22. It boggled my mind when he turned 21. Oh well, I suppose I will just have to accept the fact that he is turning into such a man. And yes ladies, he is single so snatch him up while he is still available ;)

Diane Day 58, April 27

Little boys love to explore.

K-Day 58

We picked up some parts for Danny and then ran them by work today. There happens to be this big talking parrot in the shop and Sammy loved it! I tried to get both of them in the pic since everytime Sam got close the bird would come out and talk to him. Apparently the bird is camera shy. I love Sammy's face, he thought it was great when the bird would say "Bye" when we walked away. Sammy would turn around and say, "Bye bird!" Then greet him with "Hello bird!" when we went back to see him, again and again and again!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Bryt: Day 57

Sweetest. Thing. Ever.

Ro: Day 57


K-Day 57

The poor town couldn't survive the giant bugs, dinosaurs, trains, and monster trucks. Must be the most unluckiest town ever. But it sure was fun!

Diane Day 57, April 26

This was the coolest thing. It is woven out of reed onto a wire frame.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Ro: Day 56

Kaylee is graduating from high school in 32 days. I made her a count down chain because I remember just how exciting it is to be so soo close. She is the last Hulsey to be in high school until Connor. Eesh, I do not even want to think about that.

Diane Day 56, April 25

I have finished the May bday cards. Don't you just love this card for Damian?

K-Day 56

After church we went for a hike...Kody loves to be in the spotlight. After he climbed to the highest spot he pulled up the legs on his shorts and danced for us. What a goober, the other night he did this and then started singing, "Blinded by the light!" When we noticed how white his thighs are. What a goof!

Bryt: Day 56

This is Morgan after she finally chilled out after a 45 minute fit. She fell asleep at 5 in the afternoon which always means trouble, so when she woke up she was not a happy girl. The lovely fit ranged from "My legs hurt!" to "I have a belly ache" and finally "I need you to stand up and hold me, not sit in yours lap!" But finally, FINALLY, she decided breathing was a good idea and she just chilled. Thank Heaven.

Diane Day 55, April 24

The Stevens' boys came to help plant trees. Stetson is a wonderful worker, Hunter stayed out the way mostly, Remington (who you can't see) was on and off, hard to keep up with the older brother, he entertained the dog.

Diane Day 54, April 23

The leaning tower of Palm.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

K-Day 55

Danielle decided to read outside and get some sun, she looks so thoughtful.

Ro: Day 55

Connor's cousins came to play today. He had a lot of fun playing, though he still gets quite upset about the whole sharing thing. Connor has the most amazingly adorable cousins in the world.

Bryt: Day 55

Oh no! Intruder alert! How will I ever know which baby is my own????

Friday, April 23, 2010

Ro: Day 54

Just when I think he can't get any cuter...

Bryt: Day 54

My Mom came to help with the kids today while I finished up all the packing. The thing I love about my Mom is that she genuinely loves to be with her grandchildren. She spends time doing things with Morgan and she never says no to a silly game of make believe or hide and seek. And you KNOW she never says no to the chance to put Morgan to bed with a book and some cuddle time :)

K-Day 54

Try as they did the poor firemen couldn't fight off the lava and save the tree.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ro: Day 53

Connor likes to help me with my Wii Fit yoga.

Bryt: Day 53

It was really risky taking this picture cause I had to use the flash and I was so afraid she was going to wake up! But I couldn't resist how cute it was that she tucked in her little glow-worm :)

K-Day 53

Tomorrow, baring the weather lets up, Lolo's class is going to erupt volcanos. For extra credit the kids could each make one and bring it to erupt. So in true Oquist style we waited til tonight to start, but I think it looks pretty cool!

Diane Day 53, April 22

Check out all the grapes on the grape vine. I hope they get bigger this year. Should I pick some off so the remaining ones get bigger?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ro: Day 52

We crack our windows a couple of inches for the swamp cooler and today during nap time this little guy decided to pay us a visit. Although he found his way in he had a bit of a hard time finding his way out, even when I opened the window all the way.

Bryt: Day 52

Who knew all I had to do to get Morgan to eat the crust was to let her make her own sandwich? Or maybe the trick was that she did it in her bathrobe...

K-Day 52

Here was the storm that hit us today. This is right before it unleashed it's power on us on our way to school!

Diane Day 52, April 21

This is my picture for today. I am the Activity Day leader in our ward. Today we did a Treasure Hunt of sorts around the outside of the building. This is my favorite page of directions for the hunt.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Bryt: Day 51

Today was a very, extremely, so much over the top kind of stressful day. Close your eyes and imagine yourself trying to find a place to live and move into in 2 days....and open them...Now you're me! Anyhow, I got into the car to go to a doctor's appointment, and I saw this: A phone number scrawled into the side of a banana. When I asked JD, "Did you really write a phone number on a banana????" He said, "Yep - It was handy." (in a "duh, isn't it obvious" kind of voice)
It was my comic relief for the day, and that my friends, is why I love having him around :)

Ro: Day 51

Bedtimes have been very smooth for a long time, but for the past few nights it has been back to crying -- no, screaming himself to sleep. This is especially trying in our new location for a number of reasons. 1) On the other side of the wall at the left of the picture is my bed. 2) There are no doors separating our sleeping spaces. 3) The safest spot for Connor's crib in his cubicle is right next to the light switch, oh and his books. Sooo right now as I am typing this on my laptop I keep seeing books being chucked from behind the wall. It would be funny if it weren't so loud.

K-Day 51

I felt that I needed to post a pic of Kody today, since he woke me up last night after I was in a deep sleep to cry that his ear hurt. Than after 600 mg of ibuprofen didn't work, an hour later we headed to the emergency room to find out he had a full blown massive ear infection. They gave him some antibiotics and Vicodan, than the numbing eardrops and we headed home. With all that he finally sleeps. He slept til late morning and is feeling much better, he is back to his goofy annoying self as the pic shows. I guess the lack of sleep was worth getting him to feel better! Ah kids what would we do without them??

Diane Day 51, April 20

Allergies! I have come to believe that this nice Olive Tree is the culprit! It is in full bloom and spreading its pollen everywhere, including in my house. After a couple doses of homeopathic allergy stuff, which usually works, and 2 Benedryl, which casue me to take a wonderful 1 1/2 hour nap, I am still watery and itchy! UGH!!!!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Bryt: Day 50

Savannah, Kristi, and I went to the mall today to hit up an awesome sale at The Children's Place. I love doing things with these girls because I have just as good a time when I'm with them as Morgan has when she is with their kids. I took a picture of the three of us "grown up girls" and it was just not flattering for any of us, so I decided this one of Morgan on the carousel would do just as well :)

Ro: Day 50

Cinnamon toast for breakfast.
Forget the toast part, all he did was lick of the cinnamon-sugar.

Diane Day 50, April 19

I have spent most of the day either cleaning house or cooking. I know that it is hard to believe, but I didn't take any pictures. I should have had Walt take a shot of me (not at me) cleaning the fans. Anyway, I went through my cards on file and I love this. It makes me smile.

K-Day 50

Lolo played her first game tonight, they won 1-0. She had 4 strike outs along with being the starting pitcher. Way to go Red Hot Chili Peppers!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Bryt: Day 49

Sometimes my uncontrollable addiction to buy things that are only a dollar can be bad. Couple that with my need to see those around me happy and sometimes it can mean real trouble. Like this: Exhibit A: The Recorder. And I do this to myself...

Ro: Day 49

The NBA playoffs have started, so there were 3 games in a row that Aaron just had to watch today. Basketball has been playing in my little room since 1 this afternoon and it is 10:30 right now so you can understand if I am going a little bit bonkers.

Diane Day 49, April 18

Lazy day.

K-day 49

Lolo chilling in the kiddie pool.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bryt: Day 48

"And the little bunny went hopping and hopping..."
-Thats the story according to Morgan