Saturday, July 31, 2010

Ro: Day 153

Connor got to come with me to the Primary activity this morning. It was on a day in the life of missionaries. Connor was so excited about his Future Missionary tag that he wouldn't sit still long enough to get a good picture.

K-Day 153

Here is Danny enjoying his piece of german chocolate cake for his birthday, I love how I caught Sammy on the side. He kinda looks like "If dad can use his fingers to stuff his face why can't I?" Happy Birthday Danny.

Diane Day 153 July 31

The Matron of my family died last night. Aunt Vi is the lady in the red dress looking so stately. She carried her role of the oldest daughter to perfection. This is one of the things which really causes me to reflect. My parents died 22 years ago, Aunt Dot died several years ago. Dad's brothers are still living, although Uncle Shag struggles with the effects of a stroke. It won't be long until the generation I have relied on at least for emotional support will be gone. I will be at the top of the food chain, so to speak.

Friday, July 30, 2010

K-Day 152

Lately Lolo has been watching Whip It, it's a movie about Roller Derby. This is her pose of the jammers starting position. She loves it when Juliette Lewis says, "We're the ones who score!"

Ro: Day 152

My bangs were driving me insane today so I just took scissors to them. I got them a little too short, good thing hair grows.

Diane Day 151 & 152, July 29 & 30

Friday, July 30 -- Did you catch the double rainbow in the east this evening? I looked for a leprechaun, didn't see one and he didn't leave a pot of gold either.

More kids at the house on Thursday. Brendan and Andrew were there, and of course Danzi and Hunter came to join. We tried a couple of Science experiment in preparation of our Back to School Family Event next week. I loved watching the excitement of all four kids as we made lava lamps. coooool, huh?

Bryt: Day 152

I took this picture while she was actually watching So You Think You Can Dance. I'm telling ya, the girl gets an attitude when she's dancing!

Bryt: Day151

I think its safe to say Ian likes his bumbo :)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

K-Day 151

Yesterday was the big finale for the summer library program. Lolo got picked to help out with one of the stunts the juggler-yo yo man did. He put this giant yo-yo on her head then used the string in his hand and whipped it off her head. It was way cool and she didn't even get hurt! I think Chino has the neatest librarian and really enjoy everything she puts together!

Ro: Day 151

I have been itching to get out this clay dough set that Connor got 2 Christmases ago. I always wanted one of those clay dough smoosher shape things growing up, so I was more excited to play with it than Connor was, but he was captivated enough by it I think.

Ro: Day 150

Frybread for dinner! Connor is a major fan. Especially with honey. That surprised me because he usually wants Nutella on everything, but given the choice he chose honey on his frybread.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Bryt: Day 150

Since Morgan learned to dance from watching "So You Think You Can Dance" we get some pretty interesting dance moves outta her!

K-Day 150

I know its a bad pic, but our softball team won the season! We didn't play so well in the end of season tourney tonight, but we did take 1st for the season! I'll take it...Prescott Valley starts in a week and a half Bryt if you guys wanna play! lol

Diane Day 149, 150 July 27 & 28

Tuesday, I ended up with a house full of kids, literally. So, we made flubber. This had become one of my favorite things to expose kids to. It is really a cheap, easy thrill. Besides that, I have a butt load of Borax now, the secret ingredient that you only use a little of.

Tonight, Wednesday, and the clouds are building to the southeast. Will we get any rain on the west side? Live in hope die in dispair.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Bryt: Day 149

Morgan:  "Mom, I don't like this movie"
Mom: "I think you will."
Morgan: "I don't want this movie"
Mom: "I think you will if you just try it for one little minute."
Morgan: "I know that, but I don't like this movie."
*Mom inserts DVD into player and starts the movie*
Morgan: (open-mouthed silence)

Ro: Day 149

I absolutely love when it is pouring down rain outside, but half of the sky is still sunshiny and bright! Connor and I went out to enjoy the sunlit downpour before the clouds snuffed it out and things looked menacing. While we were out there, Connor got on his knees and started licking up the rain that was on the sidewalk, eeeesh.

K-Day 149

Lately Sammy has been staying up really late and not sleeping in his own bed, not even laying in his bed with a movie has worked. So Danny and I have been up late and then sleeping with a toddler who moves constantly and can kick you off your king size bed. Today he was only allowed a 20 min nap while we ran errands this afternoon. At 7, he fell asleep on the couch while we watched, Moos (Barnyard)...I am so excited to be able to lay in my bed and stretch out, that is as soon as the YW return from Lake Pleasant around 10.

Ro: Day 148

For family night activity we played ring around the rosey. We adults got dizzy pretty quickly so Connor just hopped around in circles and played by himself. What a crack up.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Bryt: Day 148

Houston, we have a Morgan...

Diane Day 148, July 26

This is Kenneth as he leapt off the diving board, having a great time. Only about 15 minutes previous, he was to scared to hardly get off the steps. What makes kids want to be afraid of everything? He has jumped off the board lots and lots of times before. Kids, they blow my mind.

K-Day 148

Today Kody had ANOTHER trip to the endodontist in Gilbert, however we came down early so I could visit with an old friend and make Danny a little jealous. (It's so easy sometimes and keeps him on his toes lol)
We met Steve at the Az Mills mall, after lunch I turned the 3 kids loose in the mall, with the camera. So many goofy pics to choose from. One of the 3 saw this lunchbox in the Disney Store and decided that they might need it for school this year, they promised to carry it EVERY day even if they don't take thier lunch. Any guesses on who wants this lunch box, the 10, 13, or 16 yr old???

Bryt: Day 147

Hmmm...snow pants in July? 

Bryt: Day 146

Ahhhh! This kid is trying to roll over no matter where I put him!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Ro: Day 147

Connor very much enjoyed the spoils of last night's quest of the orange chicken. He was not the only one.

K-Day 147

Lolo learned a trick in class today, the Bishop subed her class. He told the kids a story about a missionary who could rip a piece of paper right down the middle one time and make a cross. She was able to come home and show us how it was done! Then she used the other pieces to set up the scene. Cool trick!

Diane Day 147 July 25

Walt swimming with the grandkids. Actually, I have to divulge that he did get in earlier in the day with the kids.

Ro: Day 146

Check it out, there are 8, I repeat, EIGHT Panda Express orange chicken bowls on our table. Kaylee and I got them all for FREE last night. Yup, the Panda Expresses were giving away a free orange chicken bowl per customer between 10 pm and 11pm so we hit up 4 of them! That's about 40 bucks' worth of delicious Panda that we scored for free. Cha-CHING! The best part about it though is that I get to eat Panda Express after church today, that never happens.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

K-Day 146

Its Pioneer Day! Look at all the missionaries having a great time! Sometimes I forget that they are just a bunch of big kids, only 18-21 yrs old. They were so much fun to watch play all day, hay rides, stilts, handcarts and of course the train!

Diane Day 146, June 24

This is actually Thursday morning. The rain was a wonderful thing.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Bryt: Day 145

I thought leaving them on my bed with the light shining directly into their eyes might keep them awake when they were both getting drowsy at 5 and I had to run and use the bathroom. Boy was I wrong. 

K-Day 145

Our work led us to the little town of Valle, between the Grand Canyon and Williams, while there we discovered the Planes of Fame museum. We rewarded the kids by stopping, Kody loooooves airplanes and was mesmerized by these engines, look how large they are compared to a 13 yr old boy!

Diane Day 145, July 23

Look at this, my sister, Shelley, has her own town. I want my own town toooo! Can you feel the whine in my typed words?

Ro: Day 145

I was trying to get a picture of Connor and his cousin sharing the game chair but then this little cutie decided to steal the show! However, I do love the face that J. is making in the background. I love that Connor can have cousins to play with. He always gets so excited (to the point of jumping up and down) when he finds out he is going to see them.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Bryt: Day 144

I asked Morgan to get real excited and sing a happy birthday song for Uncle Shane today, and she did. I think she looks like a fanatical lunatic in this picture!

Diane Day 144, July 22

Our poor old broken diving board. Gonna have to get it fixed I guess.

K-Day 144

No one is exempt from helping with this new job. Even Sammy has to help clean if he wants to eat and have fun. lol We have had so many homes to clean that my house is in desperate need right now...maybe one day next week.

Ro: Day 144

Connor always asks to call Grandma. Then he will just walk around and tell her what he sees.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

K-Day 143

I love watching the boys play together, even with the 11 year difference between them they are the best of friends. Kody was sitting on the couch minding his own business when a toy flew over the arm rest at him, when he said HEY! Sammy just laughed and threw another one. After awhile the toys got bigger (see the plastic truck) and Kody needed protection, hence the book.
Sammy has the best laugh and no one can resist it even if there is a toy being chucked at your head!

Ro: Day 143

Connor had a fun time running through the sprinklers. I had a bad morning, but playing with my awesome kid chased all my storm clouds away. Too bad all the real storm clouds went a way too.

Diane Day 143, July 21

What do you think of Danny's bday card?

Bryt: Day 143

This is Inquisitive Ian. Anytime I make an interesting noise and he is on my lap, WHAM, his head pops back and he is instantly checking it out. I love it SO much.

K-Day 142, July 20

I know lately all my pics have been work related but that is life right now. Today we walked into a pretty gross condo in Flagstaff, the only benefit is that we acquired a shampooer and a great vacuum. So we used the shampooer in the condo and then brought it home for future use. Since we were going to need to purchase one for this new job this was just another sign that the Lord knows what we need and has provided.

Ro: Day 142

Aaron got his Father's Day present from his mom today. It is a custom made cover for his game chair. She surprised him by making a Phoenix Suns patch to go on it. She is very talented with making patterns and sewing them. Aaron is very excited about it.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Bryt: Day 142

Lately my pictures have been taken with my phone cause the camera is outta batteries. So that explains the quality :) Anyhow, Morgan was just playing with Ian so much today. She would sing him songs and just give him all sorts of love. This is her jumping up and saying "BOOOO!" and he was just laugh, laugh, laughin.

Diane Day 142, July 20

Tents on a wall. It takes a really committed, yet silly camper to put their tent up on the side of the wall. Do the sleep in velcro jammies with velcro sleeping bag?

Monday, July 19, 2010

K-Day 141

Today started the last week of Danielle's Upward Bound program. The last week consists of a road trip and tour of Universities and whatever else might be fun in the area. They are headed to LA and will tour 3 campuses, a museum, the beach, a few local malls and Knotts Berry Farm! Here is her, "Sure-mom-you-can-take-a-pic-if-it-will-allow-me-to-get-on-the-bus-faster" face. Love that girl and so proud of her smarts and the fact that she enjoys such geek-like things! lol

Diane Day 141, July 19

Cory insisted on carrying mine and Walt's chairs at the football game the other night. It was so sweet of him and he succeeded.

Bryt: Day 141

I know, I am breaking all the rules. I am skipping all those days I missed. No, I am postponing them. (only because the memory card from our vacation made its way all the way to Washington DC and I should be getting it in the mail any day now. So, at that point, I will post all those guys) Anyhow, today we went and saw Despicable Me in eye-popping 3D! It was so good! I haven't walked away from a movie wanting to buy it in forever, but this one will most definitely be a purchase! (I even cried a little at the end)