Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Ro: Day 31

This crazy straw used to be shaped like a plant, but when we put it in the dishwasher to sanitize it the steam was so hot that it uncrazied it.

Bryt: Day 31

Morgan takes such good care of her little brother! After all, who could sleep in a swing without a couple of glow-worms?

Diane Day 31

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ro: Day 30

Aaron is a crazy button pusher. I think it is one of his flirting methods, which can definitely be counter productive depending on my mood. Ever since he got home tonight he has been in one of his button-pushing moods, doing whatever he can to try and get a rise out of me. So, it was only in character for him to be uncooperative for all the pictures I wanted to use for today's post. Well, the joke's on him because I am using one of them anyway! MUAHAHA!

K-Day 30

Sammy saying hi, while at the park! What a crack up.

Diane Day 30

The Orchid tree is beginning to bloom too. Within a couple of days, the tree will be covered.

Bryt: Day 30

Kristi and I went to the park today with the kids and I got this shot of Morgan as she was going down the slide. We could all stand to learn to get so excited about such little things!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Bryt: Day 29

JD doesn't check our blogs very regularly, so I can do this without feeling like too much of a cheeseball. He has been such an angel to me since I had Ian. He has, without fail, gotten up with Morgan every morning so that I can sleep a little bit longer. When I thank him, he does the "JD thing" and acts like it's no big deal. But to me, it's a huge deal. And he acts like it's not affecting him, but clearly it is. I have evidence: The man fell asleep playing the wii! So, just in the off chance that JD ever does stumble upon this:
Thanks Handsome.

Diane Day 29

I couldn't decide which picture ... the baby apples or the baby apricots. I am so excited! The trees are loaded! What do you think I should delete?

K-Day 29

I guess even dinosaurs need to cool off.

Ro: Day 29

One of my favorite parts about Aaron being done with school is that he gets to play with Connor a lot more. For the past week Aaron has been coming home from work and driving his RC cars around with his little boy. Connor gets so excited for it. So today, as a "welcome home from the hospital" gift, we got Connor a cheap little RC car. He is gaga over it.
Just like his daddy.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Ro: Day 28

We took Connor to the ER in the wee hours of the morning because he had such bad croup that he couldn't even breathe. The doctor decided it was a bad enough case that they should admit him and observe him overnight. My poor little dear.

K-Day 28

Normally this time of year Danny would be busy coaching little league, even though none of our kids play. As annoying as it can be, I love this about him, that he is willing to step up and coach other people's kids. He just loves coaching. This year with the move out of Chino it was not as convenient and one the boys dad's wanted to coach. However, he still took time out of his Sunday afternoon to help one of the boys from the team. I took this pic as he was discussing batting stances and comfort while hitting with Dustin. Love him!

K-Day 27

Although lots of things went on today, the one thing that makes me happy is that Lolo has a friends over. Lolo is a little shyer than the other kids and doesn't always have a lot of friends, since switching to Taylor Hicks she has blossomed. All of a sudden she has some good friends, one of which calls and they meet at the Y to go swimming, and Lolo has spent the night at her house. I took this picture of Lauryn and Audrey playing on the computer during the fight tonight. I love it, love seeing Lauryn happy!!
Sorry this is late, as you can see my computer was tied up all night!

Bryt: Day 28

Darci got a Snuggie for her birthday and decided to snuggle with Morgan in the snuggie. Unfortunately, that puts them both on my "dumber than rocks" list since they love a blanket with sleeves :) BUT, I can't deny how cool this picture is since Morgan looks like she has freakishly long arms and giant hands!

Diane Day 28

We had the ward egg hunt here at the house yesterday morning. This is Danzi pushing her friend Faithe finding eggs.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Ro: Day 27

Connor and I spent the morning hanging out with my mommy. He doesn't always cuddle, but today he was cuddling his Grandma Legler a lot. Much to his Papa Legler's dismay, Connor prefers Grandma over Grandpa.

Diane Day 27

Walt with Rowena Root. I took piano lessons from Rowena in 8th grade and she was an instrumental figure at my baptism in the church. She has expressed her love for me through my life, when I made good decisions and bad decisions. She is about 90 years old. She is an example of commitment no matter the personal sacrifice. It was an honor to have her remember me. She was a good friend to my mother when mom needed one.

Bryt: Day 27

Sleep smiles are the best!

Bryt: Day 26

Tonight was our awesome New Moon Partaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! It is so stinking fun to get together with my best girls! We are the coolest girls you ever did meet, acting out all the major characters of New Moon. I am Jacob howling at the moon, Ilene is taking a bite out of that awesome deer her hubby shot since she is pretending to be Edward, and Rochelle is Bella, looking at the twos of us longingly. We are SO cool :)

Friday, March 26, 2010

Ro: Day 26

These gals are my 2 best friends. We had a New Moon party tonight and we laughed and had a swell time. Can't you tell how amazing they are?

K- Day 26

Tonight we went to the Stephenson boys Pineword Derby. So much fun that finally all 3 boys are old enough to participate at the same time!
Although I have plenty of pics of the cars, I captured this one, during one of the races. I first saw Lolo and Sammy sitting with Nana, then Cory came running over in all his glory and jumped in too! I hope this lady knows how much these kids really love her! How excited they get knowing they will see her, even if just for a couple hours at an event. Thank you Nana.

Diane Day 26

Darn those noxious weeds. Thank goodness for Roundup Spray!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Ro: Day 25

Evil lurks among us. I guess I had better sleep with one eye open tonight.

Diane Day 25

My first place of employment. This old scale is what I weighed cattle, manure trucks and silage trucks on. It was located on Dad's feedlot. He would set up a shade and some kind of fan/cooler. Mom would bring lunch and dad would join us. As I remember these kind of things I realize how much effort my parents put into creating my life. I am so thankful.

K-Day 25

Nuff said!

Bryt: Day 25

I love JD's days off. I love seeing him having fun with our kids. I love that he doesn't complain about working at a place he hates and that he is so happy when he is with our little family.
I love, love, love him.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Bryt: Day 24

This is one of my favorite things to do: Sneak up behind Morgan and listen to her play when she has absolutely no idea I'm there.

Diane Day 24

It is lambing season next door. These are twins that are about 5 days old. awwwww

Diane Day 23

Once again I did not get the picture posted on the right day. I took the picture on the right day though. This is our slight chance of rain. We must have gotten close to 1" because across the mountian they reported 1.5". Not bad for a 10% chance.

K-Day 24

Danielle played the second game of the season today. They played the Copper Canyon Academy, which a boarding school you can use as a last resort for "wild" girls, before jail. So do I really need to point out that means Tri-City's "boys/co-ed" team played an all girls team. Our team was already up 5-0 by the half...8-0 by the mid point of the 2nd half, Danielle EVEN scored! So for the second half they pulled out most of the boys and put all the girls in, and we played with 1 less player, still it was not getting much better for the girls. So we changed the goalie AGAIN with someone who wouldn't normally be a goalie. The girls finally scored! They were good sports through the whole game and talked with our kids and joked. The girls had great enthusiasm through the whole game and when they finally scored they were so excited! I just had to take a pic of the girl who scored and thier celebration! We were all happy to see this!

Ro: Day 24

Connor was intrigued by Daddy's juggling skills this evening. This is Connors attempt at juggling (Imagine him waving his arms around making this face and and then throwing both balls on the ground). The kid has natural talent.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ro: Day 23

Turn my back this morning and when I turned around this is what I found. He loves to sing, he loves to dance, and apparently he also loves to play piano.

Bryt: Day 23

I sure do love them.

K-Day 23

Lolo came home from school and had to clean her room before she could go to her activity day. While in there she changed clothes...not really a surprise since I usually have at least 2 loads alone of just her clothes every laundry day because she does change CONSTANTLY. however today's outfit was especially delightful! She wore this to her activity with her new blue plaid Rocketdog shoes. I love that she is opening up and enjoying herself more! I just knew that she had to be the picture of the day when she came out!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Diane Day 22

One thing I really enjoy about Prescott is the scenery. This is the creek behind Jennie's house. What a neat backyard gettaway.

K-Day 22

Today was Danielle's first soccer game of the Spring season. She got sandwiched a couple times and was so proud of her knee. By the end of the game she had a huge red spot that circled up into her thigh. I love that she is not afraid to get dirty or fight hard! They have a new head coach and looked pretty darn good, winning 6-0.

Bryt: Day 22

I know this probably doesn't look like much. BUT let me tell ya, if you saw this drawer (and my bookshelf shelves AND the gigantic pile of mail that had built up in the sneaky hide-all spot of my counter beside my refridgerator) before my 3 hours of organizing, sorting, and would fall to your knees and praise me. At least, I am hoping that's
what JD does when he sees it :)

Ro: Day 22

There's my handsome graduate! I am very proud of him and all of his hard work. Also, I am very happy that he is done with school, FOREVER!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Ro: Day 21

(I realize it is blurry, but all the action of a tickle fight is near impossible to capture completely clearly when the cameraman is involved in the melee.)

Bryt: Day 21

Is this a game of "Pretend you're the wicked witch from the Wizard of Oz" or Hide and Seek? You decide.

Diane Day 21

As you may notice, this is not a picture, and it is not today. But it does represent what I did today, besides go to church. I have completed August in my 2009 album on Blurb. This is last summers Back To School activity. I was quite pleased with the results.

K-Day 21

While trying to enjoy a quiet Sunday afternoon the kids went crazy! Kody has a habit of sneaking up behind people and putting his shirt over thier heads...Sammy was standing on the couch next to me and Kody decided to stand up too and make Sam his next victim. I resort back to Brytani's comment about laughing and taking a pic instead of yelling. Sammy actually thought this was funny and let him do it a few more times! Always something going around here, no quiet afternoons for us!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Ro: Day 20

All week long a mound of dirt in the back yard has been calling out to us. I wanted to get Connor digging in it so badly but all I could think of to use for digging was spoons. I decided it might not be the best idea to ruin spoons that aren't mine so when I saw a little plastic trowel at the store I bought it right up. I just wish that the weather would stay nice enough to actually allow the kid to play outside in the summer.

Bryt: Day 20

I know this is a cop-out. But I just didn't get a picture for today, and I just want to go to bed. Lame. I know.

But still a pretty cool face, eh?
P.S. I just noticed I am getting the tell-tale dark eye circles of the mother of a newborn. Fun Fun :)

K-Day 20

Today we started some Spring Backyard clean up, while messing with the tree Danny decided we needed a tire swing. He called Big O and asked if they had any old tires and they said sure! We went and picked one out for FREE! On the way home Danny admitted he never had a tire swing growing up, so we let him go first when it was finished! What a great idea and a whole lotta fun for the rest of the afternoon. Keep an eye out on my blog for more pics! I am LOVING this weather!

Diane Day 20

As we stood on the top of the mountain, I couldn't help but think about the perspective. Standing at the base of the mountain I could see the details of the beautiful green desert scape, as we hiked the path leading to the top we wound around and sometimes couldn't quite see what lay ahead or behind us. Then we reached the top. From the high vantage point the immediate area seemed so clear and precise. "there is our path, there is our house, there is ......" What a difference altitude makes. So as we wind through this life, sometimes not seeing the end or the beginning, remember Heavenly Father sees all. His altitude gives him a perspective worth following.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Bryt: Day 19

SO SO SO happy it is getting warm enough to make random stops at
Dairy Queen. Bring on the heat baby!

Ro: Day 19

I have never been one to do my toenails because I have always been a little self conscious of my disfigured feet. I figured painting my nails would just draw attention to the mangledness of them. But today, Laura asked if she could do my toenails and I was brave and said okay. I have to admit that I have really enjoyed looking at my feet today. She did an amazing job!