Tuesday, August 31, 2010

K-Day 184

My Junior in HS, has adopted a pet rubber band-dinosaur and named it Fernando. Today she took the camera to school and took pics of him all over campus and with friends. Also part of the festivities were the 2 flat tires she got today on her way home from school. The car still sits on the side of the road, hopefully far enough off the side so it won't get towed, until tomorrow when we can get a 2nd tire for it. I am amazed that a 16 yr old, Jr in HS still thinks things like this are fun. I am glad to have that teenager instead of one who is out wreaking havoc. lol (Plus that means I get to drive her to school tomorrow morn. Hooray for me.)

Ro: Day 185

This is a crazy fast slide! Probably the fastest playground slide that I have ever been down. I would say that it is just as fast as the time I tried to go down a slide on an ice block. I actually got a thrill shooting down this thing. I am just glad that I didn't try and send Connor down it by himself.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Ro: day 184

I may be holding up the number 1 in this picture, but I actually feel like number 50 millionth. Today was my very first day of training for a half marathon in January, and since I have not run on a regular basis for 8 years my morning jog pretty much kicked my butt (as the picture reveals).

K-Day 183

Danny made this "tee" for Sammy to play ball with. He took a piece of rain diverter pipe that he found in the back yard and stuck it over a pipe in the yard. Sammy came running up to the back door and looked through the window, where I was folding laundry and said, "Ball! Me mom, c'mon!" He was so excited he would hit and throw the bat down and run around the yard. Too cute!

Ro: Day 183

Check it out, Connor's first pull-up. Not the diaper, the exercise.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

K-Day 182

I stole this pic off the FB page of the Territorial YM. I love this picture, all the boys look so focused. I wish Kody was still a part of this group, they are a great bunch of boys and a good influence for him. The Territorial youth have a strong bond, much like a family. I miss that commaraderie for my kids.

Diane Day 183 Aug 29

Kristi, do you remember what year and the occasion this picture was? Before or after you were married?

K-Day 181

Danny and I took some adult time and drove over to Camp Verde High to watch the Chino Valley JV football game. Our nephew, Justin #71, is playing for both the Jv and Varsity teams. Here he is getting ready to go in for the tackle, he played almost the whole game. Very proud of him, and had a great time!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Ro: Day 182

This morning we were up early watching the rally Glenn Beck put together for restoring honor in America. He focused on faith, hope, and charity, and he really drove home to the people that we need to turn back to God. It was a really great rally and I sure hope that it touched a lot of people's lives. I fear that he was probably preaching to the choir. But it's ok, one person can change the world, and I can be that person.

Diane Day 182 Aug 28

This little furry guy was crawling up the side of the Gingerbread house. What nerve! He is rather cute though with is golden blingage. Too bad he didn't get to remain on his route. Say goodbye little furry guy. I haven't seen a catepillar in years.

Friday, August 27, 2010

K-Day 180

RAIN! We got a sweet storm this afternoon, started about noon. As it started to sprinkle Danny was home and trying to weedeat the yard, he looked up and goes "Is that all you got?" Thats when the downpour started and he dropped the weedeater and came running up to the patio where we were watching the storm roll in. Great thunder!!!

Ro: Day 181

Kaylee's friend brought over her new baby tonight. We were all oo-ing and awing. Even Connor was interested. But when I whipped out my camera to get pictures of the little girl Connor decided that the spotlight had been on her for long enough.

Diane Day 181 Aug 27

This is our poor little golfer waiting out the storm. Laveen had a wonderful rain shower Friday morning. Since rain is not frequent in our neighborhood, I always run out and take pictures of it. Who knows, we may not get rain again.

Diane Day 180 Aug 26

This is an alley we did a proposal to install approximately 840 feet of plastic irrigation pipe so that the homeowners can get irrigation water. This would be a good job to get. $$$

Diane Day 179 Day 25

This is an irrigation pipe that we are going to "sleeve" with plastic irrigation pipe because it has a crack along the top for a really long ways, including the pipe under a gazebo just beyond the picture. That will be a nice job.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

K-Day 179

Sammy has started preschool. Iknow he's a little young and definately younger than all the other kids. This is a fun little group that will meet once a week, each of us will have a task. Ashlee did it all this week, here the kids are enjoying some fun lacing shapes. This was just a trial for him I'm not sure how long he'll last but he did sooooooo good today, colored and cut, and knew all the colors and even knew what a circle was! I hope this works and he enjoys it.

Ro: Day 179

What is that growing out of Aaron's ear? Oh, it's a scanner that we forgot we had. What fun!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ro: Day 178

I just realized that every picture of me I post is pretty goonie. I suppose that just reflects who I really am. Anyway, this is me before going to bed tonight. I have been getting headaches every day lately and I am pretty sure that it is because I am grinding my teeth at night. The same thing happened to me in 7th grade and the doctor told me then to sleep with a mouth guard. So here I go again with the mouth guard night gear.

K-Day 178

Danielle's project on Switzerland that caused me to get up at 5:15 yesterday morning to run to Walmart to get ink so she could print it out, since she didn't plan ahead. She started the project Sunday night and then was unhappy with us when the printer had no ink on Mon, night. Didn't she remember my Sunday morning when I tried to print my lesson out and there was no ink then and I had to handwrite the whole thing, or the discussion on Fri when we found out the bank would hold Danny's check til Tues?? Guess she needs a lesson on plan ahead too. lol (looks good though)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ro: Day 177

Aaron's birthday dinner at Fuddy's. Connor didn't stop dancing to the music the whole time. It was really fun to just sit down and have a relaxed meal and conversation with everyone.
Happy Birthday Hot Lips!

K-Day 177

This pic is for Brytani...I got it! And I'm reading it already, better hurry up with your packing!!!!!

Diane Day 178 Aug 24

The thing I like best right after irrigating myself, is watching my husband irrigate. I like to get out and slosh in the water, especially this time of year, he dawns the official boots to avoid getting sloshed.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Bryt: Day 176

I had a totally different picture planned to post for today and then I went looking on the memory card for it and Morgan had taken a TON of pictures today. This little beauty was one of them. She happened to catch him right as he was jumping around the corner to scare her...oh man it makes me laugh so hard every time I look at it.

Diane Day 177, Aug 23

The full moon. Explains so much, don't you think?

K-Day 176

Gracie came to play today, while her mom got her hair did. Sammy had so much fun with her and she is so photogenic. I love this shot of the 2 of them on the swing, Gracie has a great smile. She is also so good with Sammy and not like other 4 yr olds who would get tired of a 2 yr old always demanding her to do what he wants or to get out of his spot, etc. She is truely enjoyable to have around.

Ro: Day 176

I am not sure what she did to deserve it, but Connor felt it necessary to put Sweetie Bear in time out twice today. Maybe she was giving him a hard time when he changed her diaper.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Ro: Day 175

We did Aaron's birthday cake today, even though his birthday isn't until later this week. It is a circuit board in honor of his amazing computer hardware skills. I love his guts, even though he is getting super old. 27! Eesh, sometimes I feel like he robbed the cradle, but then I remember that I am almost just as old and that I only feel like I am 20, when indeed I am not.

K-Day 175

They tried to be sneaky and kept moving as they saw either Danny or I approach, but we got a pic! Danielle and Trent dancing, on ladies choice, last night at the Stake dance. I think it's time for the 2 of them to quit pretending they don't like each other and just start dating. lol Is it wierd that as a mom I actually am asking for this?

Diane Day 175, Aug 22

Today's bounty. Pods anyone? Don't you think these will look cool on a gourd?

Bryt: Day 175

Today I made Morgan a turkey sandwich on a bagel with cheese. She was SO excited for it. Then she was SO excited to say "Hey Mom, look behind you!" She said "Thanks for the sandwich Mom, I just didn't want my turkey or bagel" So basically, she just wanted the cheese. What a silly.

K-Day 174

17 years together! I think we still look pretty cute, tonight he took me to do one of my favorite things, dancing! Too bad it was just to chaperone the Stake Dance, but we had fun anyway guarding the boys bathroom, stage and an exit. Don't you just love his pink tie...wonder if Hunter needs one? lol

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Bryt: Day 174

Cute kid, eh?

Bryt: Day 173

Things have just been insane lately. So many aspects of my life are so far out of my control and it has been getting me down. Now, this picture may seem far from inspirational, but for me I sat there looking at my living room in it's state of chaos and I realized there may be few things I can control right now, but one of them is myself. Just because things are crazy it doesn't mean I need to let my house go down the crapper. It was a very enlightening and freeing moment for me, believe it or not.

Ro: Day 174

Nothing like Saturday afternoon naps to give me time to Scrabble it up with my best gal pal.

Diane Day 174, Aug 21

Tobie's week continued.. This is Remington, the drummer from a couple of days ago. At a scout service activity, some rocks were threwn and you can see the results. There seems to be scout who really can't control himself. It's not Rem, he really is pretty mellow. No black eye though. I thought of Sammy when he got in the way of a skateboard.

Diane Day 173, Aug 20

It's been a hard week for the oldest daughter of my family. This is Hunter, 5 years old and in kindergarten. Last Sunday right after he finished running and whooping through the house, he fell and hurt his arm, a bowed fracture... After spending 3 days deciding on the color of the cast, he went for pink. Go figure, he adores his older sister.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Ro: Day 173

We had an Elders Quorum date night tonight. I had a blast! It was fun to be out with Aaron, but I also got to know a kindred spirit too. Here we are playing a dancing game on the Wii. Aaron lifted my "dancing ban" so that I could play, ha ha. It was awesome. I love my hubby, and I love my ward.

Bryt: Day 172

Oh how I loooove corn on the cob. Guess she gets that from me :)

Bryt: Day 171

It's been a rough couple of days...just needed to post a picture of my two babes to help me remember what really makes me happy.

Bryt: Day 170

Morgan has been snatching up the camera a lot lately to take pictures. When I sat down to FINALLY catch up on the blogging today, there were LOADS of pictures kind of like this on there!

K-Day 173 August 20

As Danny was cleaning out a house today, he ventured into the attic. In the back corner he was greeted by this face. We don't know this person, but it is just a creepy old photo like you see in scarey movies and kinda freaked him out.

K-Day 172 August 19

In the morning we have been cruising behind Walmart as a short cut to Kody's school. This morning wefound this catapillar. Lolo felt this group of cardboard boxes mushed together looked like a bug. I think she's right!

K-Day 171

Got my man bag! I'm ready to go!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ro: Day 172

Hey, hey Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom! Look! Mom! Mom! Mommy! Mom! Look!
Lego Gun!

Diane Day 172 Aug 19

Can you guess where we had lunch today? I don't think there is one in Prescott. I didn't think of that until now.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Diane Day 171 Aug 18

Yesterday's storm as it came over Carver Hill. My grandfather always the storms from the south are the worst. Unless of course, it came from the west, then that's the worst. Unless....

Ro: Day 171

One of those whine and cry about everything days. Not to mention the fact that Connor's new thing today was "No way." Cute in some contexts, aggravating in others. Sigh, is it bad that I am excited that it is finally bed time?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Diane Day 170 Aug 17

I am experimenting with pictures for my book on gourds. This is my current priority project. Right after, family, church callings, study, lazy times, eating, and cooking, ......

Ro: Day 170

These clouds were swirling and churning right above the house tonight. Aaron was teasing that it was going to turn into a twister. We did have some might strong wind, but nothing that scary.

K-Day 170

Here is my teenage boy. I love that he is not completely a typical moody teenager, that even with the hormones racing through him we still have fun moments like this with him. That he still likes to pretend he is my little boy swinging away.