Saturday, August 21, 2010

Diane Day 174, Aug 21

Tobie's week continued.. This is Remington, the drummer from a couple of days ago. At a scout service activity, some rocks were threwn and you can see the results. There seems to be scout who really can't control himself. It's not Rem, he really is pretty mellow. No black eye though. I thought of Sammy when he got in the way of a skateboard.


  1. Poor Remi! I hope someone got a hold of that scout. Im glad his eye didn't go black and hopefully it heals fast. I think I will have to call my older sis.

  2. The scout rumor mill is that he didn't come to yesterday's swim activity, because he was afraid of Dany. Dany is good at keeping the scouts in line.

  3. Dany can be a bit scarey no matter what, but that scout was pretty smart.
