Sunday, October 31, 2010

K-Day 244

Sammy was excited to go trick or treating...however he had not had a nap yet. In the 5 minutes to where we were going trick or treating he was trying hard to stay awake.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Ro: Day 244

Connor likes to pretend to sing his ABC's into a microphone like a pop star. He also has a rock version of the ABC's. This kid is a character.

Daine Day 244 Oct 30

I think I have the right day and date....
This is Hunter, what a boy, he has set a new record, two broken arms right after each other. The closest is Danielle, but her broken arms were a couple of years apart.

K-Day 243

Tonight was the Tri-Ward Trunk or Treat and air band competition. The Elders Quorum did a mash of some heavy metal and then jumped into the rainbow connection. Danny was the lead singer and started out totally hood, then when the music changed he became Kermit. Totally hillarious and the best act of the night!

Diane Day 243 Oct 29

Lincoln School Halloween Parade. What a great tradition. I couldn't decide which picture of the Stephenson boys to post, so this is Principal. The teachers and staff were fantastic.

Bryt: Day 243 (Friday, October 29)

We let Morgan draw the face and carved it out just like she drew it. I think she did pretty darn well!

Bryt: Day 242 (Thursday October 28th)

I didn't have a picture for today and I came across this in my computer. Remember this cool guy Ro?

Bryt: Day 241 (Wednesday October 27th)

Savannah and I went back to the house in Chino to do a little clean up so that we can rent it out. It was...well...a lot of work. I just feel so very blessed to be surrounded by such good friends who help take care of me in my time of need. Savannah didn't even ask if I wanted help, she just came and tackled (literally) the weeds with me. Her, Rochelle, Kristi, and Ilene came to help me move. I really have amazing Christlike people all around me, and I can't begin to explain how much they mean to me. (and I am not drinking, we found that alcohol bottle on the side of my house and I was super afraid we had a squatter)

Bryt: Day 240 (Tuesday October 26th)

She just doesn't even look little anymore :(

Bryt: Day 239 (Monday, October 25th)

It's official, Morgan has holes in her ears. She was so brave and didn't even cry at all! I think having me, my mom, Savannah, Madison, and Carter there was part of the bravery, but I sure was proud of her! 

Bryt: Day 238 (Sunday October 24)

Sometimes she just has the coolest hair EVER when she wakes up.

Bryt: Day 237 (Saturday October 23)

Try as he might, he couldn't quite conquer the green body pillow that blocked his path down the hallway. So, he just took a little rest before trying again :)

Bryt: Day 236 (Friday October 22)

Does anyone else find their husband to be insanely hot while doing manual labor? Mmm-hmmm.

Bryt: Day 235 (Thursday October 21...eeek I'm behind like crazy)

Oh son, what a delightfully girlish hat you are wearing. Be sure to thank your sister for this one when you are older!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Ro: Day 243

Trunk or Treat was tonight. Connor was a baseball guy. Susan made his uniform. It even had his name on the back. He had a lot of compliments. But that is understandable because, well, look at him.

K-Day 242

I finished 3 new nativitys. I used taller gourds, what do you think?

K-241 October 28

My roller derby queen ready for the school dance.

K-240 October 27

I played good mom today, skipped my work out and went to the monthly assembly at Lolo's school where the 4-5th graders performed Thriller! Lolo was the cutest green zombie around (and the best dancer).

Thursday, October 28, 2010

K-Day 239 October 26

Even Tinkerbell was ready for the snacks at the Halloween party.

K-Day 238 Oct. 25

Mismatch day at school! I got to turn Lolo loose to dress however she liked.

Diane Day 240 Oct 28

Buzz waited for the mysterious creatures to set foot on his turf and then zapped them with his lazer light. Buzz takes defending his space very seriously. He knows the safety of the galaxy may depend on his completing his job successfully.

Ro: Day 242

My niece had her last dance class today and they did their dance for friends and family. A bunch of three and under year olds attempting a ballet dance would be painfully cute to begin with, but add my niece into the mix and it is almost too much cute to compute.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Ro: Day 241

After playing on the playground it is nice to find a patch of shady grass where you can relax and drink your water and eat a snack. Also a good chance to take "cool face" pictures.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Ro: Day 240

It's that time again!! Fantasy basketball has officially started. My team name is She Ra, so I used my awesome skills in the paint program to create this logo for my team. I hope the Princess of Power has what it takes to totally waste my opponents this season.

Diane Day 238 Oct 26

New gourd. The base is a gourd that Shelley used as a sample for a class and didn't know what to do with it. I am rather pleased with it.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Diane Day 237 Oct 25

Dillards answer to the question of cold ankles when wearing flops in the winter. The leggings are attached to the side of the flop straps. hmmmm what about the cold little piggies.

Ro: Day 239

Sucker-stick sword fighting?

K-Day 237, October 24

Even Buzz Lightyear needs a nap.

K-Day 236 October 23

We're ready lets go! Can I attach a carseat to the trailer?

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Ro: Day 238

After I got Connor dressed for church this morning I told him he looked soooo handsome. Then he told me to stand up, and proceeded to try and slow dance with me. I don't know where he got that from but it was the cutest way to start the day.

Diane Day 236 Oct 24

Frogs chillin'.

Diane Day 235 Oct 23

Jennie sent this to me, I think from their trip to the Grand Canyon. John Wayne was a pretty smart guy. Life is harder when I am stupid. As a wise person has said, "You can't fix stupid."

Diane Day 234 Oct 22

Dad's remaining brothers. The legacy will live on. Rogers Farms School will be built in about 2 years.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ro: Day 237

Aaron and Connor worked on cleaning up the backyard this morning while I was at a practice for the Primary Program.

Ro: Day 236

We went to a fall festival with a bunch of people. It was a lot of fun. There were animals and a corn maze and a barrel ride and pedal cars. We put Connor in the barrel ride because it seemed like the tractor was just going to pull them along a little track right in front of us, but then he took off all over the farm area. And sure enough, from across the festival I could hear Connor's freaking-out scream. I felt like a terrible mom. I don't think Connor will want to go on another barrel ride any time soon. But the rest of the night was great!

Friday, October 22, 2010

K-Day 235

Just for Lolo we drug the kids to the Halloween party at the YMCA gymnastics. It was really not worth the $5 per kid we paid to get in, but Danielle and Kody made the best of it anyway, even Sam decided dancing was fun.

K-Day 234

It's places like this one that makes me come home and clean house. I understand you are losing your house so there is really no need to clean it well when you leave, but this one was obviously NEVER cleaned even when the people lived there. EEEEEEEEEWWWWWWW

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Ro: Day 235

I found a little man while I was peeling potatoes today.

Diane Day 233 Oct 21

Uncle Shag. He and dad farmed together. Tonight the Laveen School District recognized the Rogers family, specifically Uncle Shag, Aunt Shirley and Mom and Dad. The next school to be built in Laveen will be Rogers Farms School. Pretty cool. I miss you Mom and Dad. After a week of emotions running all over the place and a day of just plain feeling crappy, I figured out why.......... I miss my parents.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

K-Day 233

BuWoody! I found the best thing today, while looking for a Buzz costume, they were $17. OR I found a cute treasure chest with both Buzz and Woody costumes for $20. Now we have both and a new character. Both shirts, the Buzz gloves, and Woody's hat. I'm afraid I now have the Flash from Daddy Day Care, as he is sleeping with the hat and had to be forced out of the shirts. lol

Ro: Day 234

Connor can swing and swing and swing and never tire of it. Today I was wondering why he loves it so much, but when he held his arms out and told me he was a bird flying I think I got my answer.

Bryt: Day 234

Morgan brought me these headbands today and said she made me some beautiful earrings. Then she insisted a picture be taken. So, you all get to see lovely, oily, just woke up and chillin with some uber cool earrings Brytani.

Bryt: Day 233

This is Morgan's "I'm pretending to be asleep so you will carry me in" smirk.

Bryt: Day 232

There are some mountains that just seem impossible to conquer.

Bryt: Day 231

He makes Sunday naps look even more appealing than they already are, doesn't he?

Bryt: Day 230

We took JD lunch today. It was so fun to see him enjoying work again. He is so good at stonework and he loves doing it. I am so grateful we have been blessed with him having 2 jobs so that come January he should be able to work just the stone masonry and still support our family while he goes to school.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Diane Day 232 Oct 19

Mom on the left and Aunt Ardy on the right. Quite a fashion statement. I have laughed more and cried more these last 3 days than I have in quite a while.

Ro: Day 233

Gotta give Sweetie Bear a kiss before heading off to work.

Ro: Day 232

The girls and I went to the mall and while we were there we stopped by Helzberg to get my ring cleaned (and when they inspected it they found that my diamond was loose ~gasp~). Anyway, you get a bunch of gals in a jewelery shop, it would almost be a crime not to look around, right? So look we did. This one was the favorite and the other girls even tried it on. I didn't, because I didn't want my ring to get jealous. But wowsa was it a shiny beauty. Not every day that you get to hold 4 carats of diamonds in your hand.

K-Day 232, October19

This is the only pic taken today at Danielle's game. She really trys her hardest!