Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ro: Day 274

Connor had an allergy skin test. It turns out he is allergic to milk, his absolute favorite consumable in the whole world. I bought him some soy milk today to give it a shot, but he told me tonight he doesn't want his sippy because it's "different". Poor kid. He sure thought it was silly that the doctor drew some abc's on his back though.

K-Day 272

I took an entirely different picture for today, but when I was looking through all of them, this one caught my eye. I love all the motion in it, you can even see a "ghost" hand down near the bottom. The Lady Panthers lost, but I still got this amazing shot.

Diane Day 275 Nov 30

The stable is really looking sharp. With a few more palm frawns and straw bales, it will be ready for our Christmas Celebration. What a clever husband I have.

Diane Day 274 Nov 29

I am so excited!! This is a trellis that my father built. We moved it up to the garden area. I love it there, I will be to see it and enjoy it whenever I go outside.

Diane Day 273 Nov 28

I think I had some help taking pictures.

Diane Day 272 Nov 27

The tree decorating committee. They are a little shy.

Diane Day 271 Nov 26

We wish you a Merry Christmas!!! The tree is decorated.

Diane Day 270 Nov 25

Since Kristi was in Prescott this year, I was forced to do the Yams on my own. I went with the Gingerbread Men marshellows. Very tasty, and I'm not a big fan of yams.

K-Day 271

It was time for bed and Sammy was hiding. Can you find him??

Monday, November 29, 2010

K-Day 270, Nov. 28

This morning we were pleased to wake up to a light dusting of snow, before long it started snowing again and lasted most of the morning. It was a beautiful surprise. But it does prove just how cold it was sitting out at the parade the night before, BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBRRRRRRR!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Ro: Day 273

Connor had so much fun decorating the tree. Every time he got an ornament on he would say, "I did it!" As you can see, he got quite a few on those 2 branches. He also had a collection of 10 or more on the floor that didn't quite make it. The fun ended when he realized that if he dropped an ornament on the floor it would bounce, and that just tempted him to kick them across the floor. It was fun while it lasted though.

Ro: Day 272

Brigham Young's winter home was within a mile of our hotel and Aaron loves historical places, so we took a walk there to see it and get a picture. It turns out that there are some Senior Missionaries that give tours there. We learned a lot of interesting things from that tour, and even had a chance to feel the spirit. It was a pleasant surprise and the highlight of the day.

Ro: Day 271

I have never done Black Friday before, I lack the killer instinct required. But it was the best chance I had to spend with my best gal Bryt. I was her cart watcher while she ran around getting all the best deals. We took this picture very early in the morning when we were in that "I'm so tired that I am acting like an idiot" phase. I really enjoyed the laughs and catching up with her.

Ro; Day 270

When we would go to Grandma's house for Thanksgiving growing up we would get up early enough on Thanksgiving day to climb up on the Sugar Loaf and watch the sun rise over St. George. Then we would go to the Maverick for hot chocolate. So 3 of my brother's and myself decided to revisit that loved tradition. It was freezing cold but so beautiful. And any time with my brothers is good time.

Ro: Day 269

After being cooped up in a car for 6 hours Connor really appreciated the backyard at my grandma's house. It didn't matter that it was freezing outside he and his cousins only wanted to play outside where they could run around.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

K-Day 269, Nov. 27

Tonight was the light parade, around the square. Sammy loved the choo choo the most. Why would we brave the freezing weather to watch this 20 min parade? Kody's band played in it, however he was on the other side of the road from us and none of the pics of him turned out, but he did pretty darn good for marching in his first parade. Definately worth the cold.

K-Day 268, Nov. 26

Day after Thanksgiving what else is there to do but start putting up the Christmas lights? Well here is our start, the front of the house and the 1st tree. These are the first 10 strands, that we got on sale at Home Depot today, we haven't even pulled out the boxes of lights we already have. Can't wait to finish!

K-Day 268, Nov. 25

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Danny deep fried 2 turkeys for the first time today. They were yummy!!!!!

K-Day 267, Nov. 24

Todays pic is on Danielle's camera, it is a fun one of Danielle, Sammy, and Lolo all on one of the little carousels at the mall. As soon as she figures out to upload them I will add it!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Diane Day 269 Nov 24

The boys couldn't figure out why I wanted to take their picture through the glass door. Pretty cool I think.

Diane Day 268 Nov 23

mmmm, no words can express my emotions.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ro: Day 268

I was captivated by the sunset this evening. It started off a very brilliant orange color, but by the time that I took my camera out it had morphed to this awesome pink. Arizona may have its downsides, but we get some amazing sunsets.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Diane day 267 Nov 22

Did you see the full moon tonight? It was beautiful. A golden yellow as it came into view.

Ro: Day 267

Connor had to get some diagnostic work done today including some blood work and x-rays. You would think that the blood test would have been worse but the x-rays ended up being way more traumatic for him, poor kid. He was very proud of the bandaid and sticker he got after getting his blood drawn. He kept them both on all day.

K-Day 266

There he is, my hard working lawn mowing man!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bryt: Day 266

Today we went to a class our ward is having on Sunday nights to strengthen marriages. It really helped me to remember all the little things I love about JD and made me so sad to see all the things I have let bother me and caused me to start to look at him as something other than the amazing man I know I married. I love love love him and I am so glad he came with me to this class, and I cannot wait to see how strong it helps us become :)

Ro: Day 266

It's Matt's last night at home before Boot Camp. What better way to bond is their besides playing Mario Kart?

Ro: Day 265

Sometimes I really think it is worse for Aaron to get a hold of my camera than for Connor to have it. Aaron just likes to take weird pictures on purpose.

Ro: Day 264

Uncle Stevie wanted to share some old school Sesame Street sketches with Connor, the type of Sesame Street he grew up with. We all got a big kick watching Youtube videos of the old Yep Yep Martians. It really took be back, and Connor thought they were hilarious.

Diane Day 266 Nov 21

There he goes!!!

K-Day 263, Nov. 21

This was actually Tues. Nov. 16, Danielle got inducted into Mu Alpha Theta. Which would be the ultimate geek club, it is one of the highest honors for a Math student in HS or 2 year college. I am so proud of her for being who she is and wanting to be who she is even if we constantly tease her for being a geek. There are days I really wonder how I was able to raise such a strong, smart young woman.

K-Day 262, Nov. 20

*tear* Today we got Sammy's first *tear* official hair cut. *tear* All the "lucious locks", per the kid's friends, came off. No more *tear* curls for my little man. He looks like a little boy *tear*. I know it will grow back and even though it is short it still is kinda kinky where the curls were and are ready to grow back! Hopefully now that it is all even it will grow out evenly and there will be no more curly mullet! However, I REALLY miss his little curls.

K-Day 261, Nov. 19

Danny found a 1977 VW bug that ran for a really good deal and decided Danielle needed it. We bought one when she was 15 and the 2 of them were going to restore it. Then life hit and there was no money to start, it had no engine to start at listing all the things the first one needed. So she did not have it when she turned 16, so now this one just needs a few things and then Danielle can drive it and we will probably sell the Lumina that Grandma acquired for her. Danny and Danielle spent Friday working on it, putting glass back in and window cranks, there was even a quick lesson on how to drive a stick. (Which truely scared Danny lol) It should be ready to go within the month, Happy Early Christmas Danielle!

K-Day 260 Nov.18

Today we saw the orthopaedist for Lolo's thumb. Luckily she did miss the growth plate, unlike what the ER doc said and she will be casted for at least 3 and a half weeks. Then we go back and reevaluate, she picked blue for her cast color and is loving not being in the full arm splint and sling anymore.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Bryt: Day 265

Morgan found the Target Holiday Toy Catalog today. She found LOADS of things she NEEDS. :)

Diane Day 265 Nov 20

Silly boys at play.

Bryt: Day 264 (Friday November 19)

I don't know what it is about a brownie mix face, but I aways love it and never really want to wash it off!

Bryt: Day 263 (Thursday November 18th)

I promise he was laughing and smiling at how proud of himself he was for climbing inside of there before I ran off to get the camera.

Bryt: Day 262 (Wednesday November 17)

Remember that picture of JD making that crazy smile that I posted forever ago that just made me laugh? Well, I told him that one day, we would get a picture that was just as silly of me, and that I would post it. So, here we are folks. Yes, my shirt is backwards and inside out. I am just glad I am standing in front of the microwave so I cannot see what time of day this was! 

Bryt: Day 261

Planting the amaryllis Judie gave us for the holidays. I AM SO EXCITED FOR THE HOLIDAYS! YEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. (that is how excited)

Bryt: Day 260

Oh there are so many good moms out there who would take their kid out like this so they would inspire high self esteem. I, on the other hand, just tell her she has such cool hair and she looks very nice, and then I take a picture and she is so proud. I hope it works, I want her to have a real idea of what a wonderful precious little girl she is. And I hope to avoid taking her out in public like this to do that :)

Bryt: Day 259 (Sunday November 14)

There were A LOT of people in Alicia's house after the blessing! I found a little nook and made one of the Moldenhower girls sit with me so I wouldn't feel like a dork eating my brunch all alone in the nook. It was a successful plan, the kids didn't even find me!

Bryt: Day 258 ( Saturday November 13th)

Saturday we went up to Santaquin for the weekend for Jaxon's baby blessing. We had so much fun swimming in Grandma and Grandpa's hotel and then heading over to Alicia's to crash for the night. I always love going to visit their family!

Bryt: Day 257 (Friday November 12th)

Zion's National Park had free admission on Veterans' Day so we headed up there. It was so beautiful with all the fall colors, and Morgan really had a blast. I think Ian just had his face freeze off, but it was still such a good trip and I am so glad to have Annette around to go do things with me when JD is working.

Bryt: Day 256 Thursday November 11th

I am always so PROUD of Morgan when she draws things. She is 3 and a half and drawing a cat with whiskers! She is a better artist than me. For real.

Bryt: Day 255 Wednesday November 10th

I was told to buckle up because I am "The Sweetie" and Morgan is "The Mommy" and Blue Bear is "The Daddy" and we are going on a road trip to Chino. Of course I hopped right in!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Diane Day 264 Nov 19

My latest creation. It is for Walt to give his siblings for Christmas. I am going to print a 12x12 and then decopauge on a canvas. Cool huh?

Diane Day 260 thru 262 Nov 17

Walt's nephew lives in New York someplace and loves photography. I love this searies of pictures of the changing of seasons.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Ro: Day 263

Hey, sure, in between the fridge and the couch is as good of a place as any to conk out. No matter that I was offering to cuddle you to sleep the whole afternoon.