Monday, August 9, 2010

Ro: Day 162

Yes son, thank you for digging those out and carrying them all around the house.


  1. Maybe he needs a diaper change? Morgan used to whip my tampons in church. I remember one specific instance where I was trying to wrestle one away from her, she's screaming "NO!" and running down the pew with it held in the air to keep it out of my reach....oyyyy vey.

  2. At first I thought they were some form of Dr Spock ears from a previous Halloween or something...than I looked closer! One of my friends growing up had two little brothers and when they played war they used the tampons as grenades. Because you can just hit the bottom and they fly out! Thier backyard used to be covered in "grenades" hahahahahahaa

  3. Ha ha, those are both great stories!
