Saturday, August 21, 2010

Bryt: Day 173

Things have just been insane lately. So many aspects of my life are so far out of my control and it has been getting me down. Now, this picture may seem far from inspirational, but for me I sat there looking at my living room in it's state of chaos and I realized there may be few things I can control right now, but one of them is myself. Just because things are crazy it doesn't mean I need to let my house go down the crapper. It was a very enlightening and freeing moment for me, believe it or not.


  1. I was where you are about a month and a half ago, Bryt. I felt so muchbetter when I had a moment like that and was able to know that not everything was out of control. Keep your head up, clean your house (lol) and remember sometimes it is the waiting rather than the recieving that we grow the most!~Uchtdorf

  2. That is a great quote. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Good advise. I had Walt give me a blessing yesterday to help to put things in order at least in my minds. I guess it continues all the way thru life, cause don't little kids now.
