Wednesday, June 2, 2010

K-Day 94

Here he is ladies, the cutest lifeguard around! The Heiners have been good friends of ours since we both moved into the Territorial Ward over 6 years ago. Lori now runs the Chino Valley pool and of course that means her sons are lifeguards as well as a few other kids from the ward. Here is her second, Colten trying to look cool watching the baby pool! Hard to believe we met him when he was still in Primary and now he is 17.


  1. We must have just BARELY missed you! We came to the pool at about 3. I am totally bummin :)

  2. Sorry, yea we got there right at 1, then left about 2:40, had to meet the MIL and pick up Danielle's car at 3! My plan is for Wed. to always be there. Library, lunch, and then pool!!!
