Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ro: Day 338

Connor came to the baby checkup today. I had been telling him that we would get to hear the baby's heartbeat, but we were pleasantly surprised with an ultrasound. Connor loved watching the baby on the "little tv." It was was wiggling and jumping all over the place, which was fun to see. All 3 times I have asked Connor if it is a boy baby or a girl baby he has told me it is a girl baby. We will see in 7 weeks I suppose.

1 comment:

  1. It is so exciting to see the baby! And especially when they are wiggly :) Isn't it so magical the second time around? I remember with Morgan it was cool, but it didn't mean as much to me as it did when I first saw Ian because I didn't understand how much of a perfect little treasure our little ones are. But when I saw Ian wiggling around in there it was pure joy :) I am so happy for you, Best Friend!
